About Me

Hi, I'm Nicola Cerutti.
I am a behavioral economist and data scientist living in London. I am interested in decision processes and heuristics, environmental issues and climate change, and I have a passion for computer science and AI that goes beyond my work.

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My latest articles:

Are we mitigating food system emissions? A review of emissions trends, drivers and policy responses, 1990-2018 (2023), with W. F. Lamb, A. Leip, M. Crippa, E. Solazzo, F. Tubiello, and J. C. Minx. (2023). Environmental Research Letters, 18, 074030.

Coal transitions—part 1: a systematic map and review of case study learnings from regional, national, and local coal phase-out experiences (2021), with F. Diluiso et al. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 113003.

Face Mask Use and Physical Distancing before and after Mandatory Masking: Evidence from Public Waiting Lines (2021), with G. Seres, A. Balleyer, J. Friedrichsen, M. Süer. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 192, 765-781.

Face masks increase compliance with physical distancing recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021), with G. Seres, A. Balleyer, A. Danilov, J. Friedrichsen, Y. Liu, M. Süer. Journal of the Economic Science Association.


@Jacobs University Bremen and Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research [de]

Supervised by Prof. Achim Schlüter, Prof. Dennis Dittrich, Prof. Giangiacomo Bravo, Prof. Arvid Kappas

During my research project Resource changes and cooperative behavior I conducted laboratory experiments to understand how changes in a resource can lead to changes in behavior. The underlying idea is that, while in the modern world the distribution of resources is in constant change, the literature is not very clear on how this can impact behavior. The main result is that scarcity, in many cases, do not trigger the appropriate reactions that would lead to better resource management. On the contrary, it generates a race to the bottom that conducts to overuse and, in some cases, resource exhaustion. But there are good news too, and you can find them out reading the thesis, which can be found here .

@Università degli Studi di Torino [it]

Main topics covered: sociology, social psychology, economic sociology, decision theory, statistics, data analysis, theory of organisations, research methodology.

My thesis consisted of an experiment on the impacts of social influence and the number of available choices in a decision process.

@Università degli Studi di Torino [it]

Main topics covered: sociology, psychology, communication techniques, web development, social sciences research methodology, statistics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, italian literature, american contemporary literature.

My thesis consisted on an analysis of the language(s) used on Italian internet forums.

@IIS Vallauri, Fossano [it]

Main topics covered: programming (C, SQL, Visual Basic, x86 Assembly), databases, computer networks, electronics, statistics, math.

And that's where my passion for technology, electronics, computer science, programming, etc. was born.


Senior Data Scientist 2023-present

@Oasis Loss Modelling Framework
Python, ELT & ETL for cat(astrophe) modelling.

Postdoctoral researcher 2021-2023

@Mercator Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
Researcher on environmental and food economics.

Lecturer 2019-2020

@Berlin School of Economics and Law
Lecturer in environmental and natural resource economics.

Team leader 2019

@imperfect, a Climate-KIC pre-incubated startup
Team leader and market researcher, evaluating the market feasibility of a waste reducing startup in the food industry.

Postdoctoral Researcher 2018-2019

@University of Verona
Research position in the SUSCHOICE project, an H2020 and ERA-NET co-fund using both qualitative and quantitative methods to understand sustainable food consumption.

Trainee 2017

@European Commission - Joint Research Centre
Working on the Social Biking project, a large mobile app-based field experiment using behavioral economics to understand and foster physical activity.

Researcher 2012-2016

@Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research
Ph.D. candidate, conducting policy-oriented experiments to understand the effects of resource changes on cooperative behavior.

Teaching assistant 2013-2014

@Jacobs University Bremen
Teaching Assistant for Microeconomics I and Introduction to Economics.

Research assistant 2012

@Collegio Carlo Alberto
Developing online experiments to understand decision processes in complex choices.

Research assistant 2010-2011

@Metis Ricerche
Conducting interviews for a research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Research.





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